Impact Marathon Series March 2019


We are excited to announce we have been selected as the charity partner of the Impact Marathon Series for the second year. The Impact Marathon Series was borne of a dream that the simple power of running could uplift communities and have now raised over ONE MILLION for grassroots organisations with over 350 Impact Runners worldwide. The Impact Marathon Series combines travelling to an extraordinary location, engaging in projects that are led by the community to catalyse huge change whilst also having the opportunity to run in a race that will challenge you to dig deeper. The race in Guatemala is a route on Volcan Pacaya climbing up to 2400m crater edge and down through the southern lava field and take on kilometre after kilometre that can best be described as ‘running on the moon’.

“The lessons I’ve learned, the knowledge I’ve gained and the friendships I’ve made are unforgettable. See you again soon...” — RUTH, Guatemala Impact Runner 2018

Join us for the run of a lifetime! More information and registration at


Introducing SERES 2.0


Reflecting on 2018