Integrating Teal: Resources, and Employee Testimonials

As we conclude our series on embracing the Teal organizational paradigm, we want to share some valuable resources for organizations looking to learn more about Teal and the transformative power it holds. But before we do that, let's hear from some of our own team members about their experiences with Teal at SERES.

Employee Testimonials:

Dora Perez: "Among the roles that fill me most with satisfaction and energy is being an Ambassador of the Teal Circle and supporting the team. It fills me with energy and invites me to be aware of being a reference for the rest of the team, especially defining what type of organizational culture we want as a team and how we want to grow as an organization. It fills me with satisfaction to be able to accompany the other members of the team, resolve their doubts, and know that I can be there for them."

Antonio Cruz Sanchez: "I am sure that without having been part of this process, I would be a very different person than the person I am. SERES has been very receptive to the opportunities that have arisen to innovate, and that has been thanks to members who have been day by day in constant search for work frameworks that make a more effective team and a process with greater impact for the communities in Guatemala and El Salvador. The years that have passed within this journey have been of great learning and personal satisfaction, innovation has been an opportunity to get out of my comfort zone very often, sometimes it has felt like walking through a zone of constant experimentation; but with significantly positive harvests."

Resources for Your Teal Journey:

If you're intrigued by our Teal journey and wish to explore this transformative paradigm further, there are several resources available to help you along the way:

  1. Books: Start with "Reinventing Organizations" by Frederic Laloux. This groundbreaking book provides a comprehensive overview of Teal organizations and their principles.

  2. Online Communities: Join online platforms and communities dedicated to Teal, such as the Teal Community, where you can connect with like-minded individuals and organizations on a similar journey.

  3. Consultants and Facilitators: Consider working with experienced Teal consultants and facilitators who can guide your organization through the transition process.

  4. Training and Workshops: Attend Teal-focused training and workshops to deepen your understanding and gain practical insights into implementing Teal principles.

  5. Holacracy Resources: If you're interested in holacracy, explore resources and tools like Glassfrog, which can assist in implementing self-management practices.

  6. Teal Organizations' Stories: Learn from the experiences of other organizations that have successfully embraced Teal. Their stories can provide valuable insights and inspiration.

Our Teal journey at SERES has been marked by challenges, growth, and transformation. We hope that by sharing our experiences and the voices of our team members, we've ignited your curiosity about the possibilities of Teal within your own organization.

As we continue to evolve and learn on this journey, we invite you to explore Teal further and discover how it can reshape the way you work, lead, and thrive. Thank you for joining us on this transformative path, and may your Teal journey be filled with purpose, empowerment, and authenticity.


SERES liderando las conversaciones sobre #ShiftThePower en la filantropía


Navigating Teal Waters: SERES' New Structure, Challenges, and Insights