SERES announced finalist in the Equator Prize 2015


SERES selected as finalist in 2015 Equator Prize for outstanding local and indigenous community initiatives!

The Equator Prize 2015 was awarded to 20 outstanding local and indigenous community initiatives that are advancing innovative solutions for people, nature and resilient communities.

While this year SERES was not one of the prize winners, we are proud to announce that we were one of 118 finalists from a pool of 1,461 nominations from 126 countries. Elizabeth Shaw, representative of the United Nations Development Program told the SERES team that "given the quality and depth of nominations this year, this is a major accomplishment". You can read more about the Equator Initiative here.

Abigail Quic, one of our amazing young facilitators indigenous Tzutujil Maya from San Juan la Laguna said of the recognition:

“As an indigenous facilitator, this is a huge motivation and validation of our methodology, because it means that other people are also seeing the impact. It gives credibility to what we do and how we do it.”

SERES is grateful as ever for the people who have supported us in this journey, and especially thankful to our young leaders around the world. We would also like to offer our own support and congratulations to the Equator Prize 2015 winners for the great work that they do! Equator Prize 2015 Finalist - Asociación SERES - Guatemala copy  


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