From Nicaragua with hope, open letter from Abigail


Dear good living schemers: Water is a living force that travels through our planet and enables life. I think about this resource and I feel a flow of energy across myself. SERES became the opportunity to dedicate all my willingness toward its defense, and now, I want to talk about it. Guatemala's water situation is alarming. According to the latests Department of Environment and Natural Resources (MARN) statistics, 90% of water sources contain bacteriological contamination and have high levels of fecal waste. Despite this, with the exception of organized communities, water issues are scarcely addressed. Nevertheless, Totonicapán 48 cantons have set an example by expressing themselves, in several occasions, in defense of their region's water reservoir. During March eleven and twelve I participated in the first Central American water meeting for young people. The goal of said gathering was to encourage the exchange and discussion of ideas. Participating panelists came from different organizations such as: Young Water Professionals (South Africa), Fundación del Río (Nicaragua), CATIE (Costa Rica), FUNDE (El Salvador) and Ruta del Clima (Costa Rica), among others. Central America is moving forward in creating opportunities that allow young people to assume our leadership regarding water protection. However, the most important opportunity is the flourishing of places where we can unite what we love –our passions– with a job for a living. Thus, professional and personal fulfillment. One of the results of this meeting was the creation of the youth for water in Central America network. The appointed members are professionals, representatives from nonprofit organizations and of state agencies. It's goal is to ensure youth participation in the processes of water resources integrated management in the Central American region. In short, it was a very enriching journey. Let's remain active through water and for water. If we don't stand up for it, who will? If not now, when? Abigail Quic


Mikaela Wants Us To Get Out Of Our Comfort Zone


Antonio letter from Honduras