Great News! Passionate architects are working on the Communiversity!


Through Journeyman International, the Communiversity is now a dream that passionate architects are working on. What started as an idea is now being shaped into professional design. "One of Journeyman International's primary goals is to partner with worthy organizations that are doing incredible humanitarian work.  SERES is one of those organizations.  We are thrilled to partner with them to provide quality design services and to help see their vision for the Communiversity come to life.” said Daniel Wiens, founder of Journeyman International. This organization partners student designers and professionals with local and global humanitarian organizations, providing sustainable design and construction methods to communities who need it most. Natalia Escobar, Senior Architecture student from Northeastern University, is in charge of the Communiversity design. This November both Natalia and Daniel came to Guatemala to meet the SERES local Design Team and do a site visit of the land. “I am thrilled to be part of such a young and vibrant team, working together towards a great cause: to lead by example for a socially just and sustainable world”, said Natalia.

IMG_9225bProviding youth leadership training in Guatemala could be the most powerful humanitarian endeavor for the country of Guatemala!" Daniel

“I was mesmerized to see what a wonderful piece of land the team has selected; land with not only amazing views but an area that creates a deeper connection to nature, with a variety of microclimates and significant design potential. I am looking forward to continuing our work towards producing a beautiful, sustainable and synergistic design that will allow the whole to become greater than the sum of its parts”, added. DSC_4204


5 Questions About The Communiversity


SERES leads the way in education for sustainability leadership